Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What's New ... Over A Cup Of Coffee

Being the world's 2nd most traded commodity next to oil and one of the top choices of people to drink, coffee surely catches the attention of business leaders, entrepreneurs, and health-conscious consumers lately.

A new player in the healthy coffee category that is opening new markets

Because it is considered a popular beverage at home and at work, there are a billion cups of coffee being consumed everyday all over the world. You might find this interesting link below: 

8 Reasons to Drink Coffee

It is a common household item that we consume on a daily basis, but aside from that, it is also subject to many issues especially on the manner of time it is taken, limitations to health condition. Caffeine, being the controversial component of coffee is the receiving end of many beliefs and discussions. But, what are the popular myths surrounding caffeine?


Get your waistline now, how many inches were added by the holiday celebration?  Here's how you can compute for your waistline - so you will have an idea what is your condition.

"If your height is 5'6" (66”) and over, you are ok. For prevention of heart disease & diabetes, waist should be less than 50% of your height."  +Nadine Tengco, Fitness Nutritionist Chef & Weight Loss Consultant in the Philippines Biggest Loser television contest/program. (In this case <33")  

You know what to do, now that you got the tape measure and weighing scale numbers.  It takes a lot of patience, sweat, self-discipline and belief to make this work.  

The time is NOW to discover the health benefits of Skinny Science
The days of the "heavies" are numbered.  Welcome to Skinny Science!
Future testimonies on this blog - +Takako K., +Regie P., +Amalia B., and Arnie J Watch how these four will change their size and shape with the +90-Day BFit Challenge of Boresha Philippines (March-May 2013).


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